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    Say hi to Swipes and Feeds

    Swipekick is an experiment in micro-blogging. Instead of one large blog post, the content is split into smaller pieces called Swipes. You can add as many Swipes as you'd like, at any moment you'd like. They form a Feed that can be browsed either by swiping or in the classical article view.

    What can I actually do here?

    It all comes down to Swipes and Feeds that can be about pretty much anything: music playlists, journals, photos, videos, or even poems. You essentially have a classical content editing experience where you can edit text, add images, and videos. The only difference is splitting it into Swipes. How long or short one Swipe ends up being is entirely up to you.

    7 months ago

    Why can’t I sign up?

    We’ve currently made it a private beta, but you can already sign up for the waiting list. We’re finishing up with the final stretch of testing and necessary features, and we’ll let you know once it’s ready. We don’t want you to have a sub-par experience. We also don't want our servers to crash down.

    But wait! Isn’t blogging dead?

    The landscape has changed drastically over the years, but we believe that there’s still a void to fill between the classical blog and your modern social media feeds. We also feel that written word is a door to person's mind who wrote it. Swipekick tries to bridge that gap with something a bit “different” with Swipes and Feeds. Let's see if it works or not.

    7 months ago