Swipekick is not open-sourced, but follows the idea of open development. The aim is to be transparent and do it with and for the community.

    7 months ago

    Wild Color System

    Current color palette system needs an overhaul that works great in every possible scenario. For example, color schemes in modals is messed up and don't have a good contrast.

    Anyway.. The primary color is derived from the dominant color of the main image and is set for the entire page. We call that color Wild, because it could be any of the 255 hue values. Saturation and luminance are fixed.

    We can’t control the user created content, so that the colors have to work in pretty much all cases, which is why a system is needed. User uploaded image could be low-saturated, black-and-white, extremely saturated, variegated, extremely un-even, etc.

    7 months ago

    Private Feeds

    Users might not want to make every feed public. Some feeds could be just for ourselves. Or perhaps some feeds are only meant for certain people.

    7 months ago

    Drafts for Feeds

    Possibility to save your changes without publishing them. Also reverting back to last published version.

    7 months ago

    Automated Feeds

    Setting up a feed to bring together your content from Instagram and Youtube. For example, by posting with a certain hashtag in other platforms it’s automatically added to a Feed of your choice.

    7 months ago

    Feed Email Subscription

    We’d like to make it possible to subscribe to a feed just by inserting email. There would be a certain interval that emails are being sent with the updates of that feed. Also, that means creating an user is not actually needed. Your email address is the user that has everything tied to it.

    7 months ago

    Back-end revamp

    The first Swipekick was built with Java backend. Current one is serverless with Next.js api routes and Supabase, which has been great as building this prototype. However, it has certain drawbacks. Back-end developer is needed.

    7 months ago

    Front-end revamp

    Need to look into upgrading to Next.js App Router (currently using Pages Router) or Remix. Swipekick is currently not the most performant and could take quite a long time to load. For example, there's a ton of client-side JS magic happening to achieve super-ellipses. Also should look into building a completely custom Swiper with Framer Motion and replacing that with the current Swiper.js. That would simplify also the Swipe expansion and swiping itself could become more "springy". In addition, proper lazy loading of posts should be introduced.

    7 months ago

    UI revamp

    This pretty much includes everything, but especially the Feed and Swipe editor. Designer is needed.

    7 months ago

    Accessibility improvement

    Keyboard navigation and actually well.. the entire accessibility feature-set should be improved. It's broken in some places, or simply not comfortable to use.

    7 months ago

    Liking and commenting

    Still not sure whether to include liking, "hearting" or something similar. Commenting seems necessary.

    7 months ago

    Community & Feedback

    Better mechanisms to capture and process feedback from users and community to base further developments upon.

    7 months ago